Certificates of appreciation

Over the last few weeks the club has been handing out framed certificates of appreciation to businesses who have been supportive of the club throughout the 2024 season. In doing this, we are hoping to strengthen the relationship between local businesses, the community and the club.

The club would also like to personally thank each of you for your support and we hope that the 2025 season will be even bigger and better than the last.

We (and most surrounding clubs) have published their event calendar and I encourage you to have a look on socials and wherever you see published dates and start to plan which events you shall enter (if you haven’t already).

Perhaps whilst you are doing this, you may want to pencil in an event to assist with or gain some experience in, before committing to competing. I know its sounds like a sell, but it really helps both sides.

For example if you are interested in getting into rallying, you can find out a lot about it by just volunteering! I had no idea about how the event was timed until I worked at a Start Control! Given the club is running two rally events this year, The Coffs Coast Rally in May and also a Rally Sprint later in the year, there really isn’t an excuse not to dive in and help out. You will probably meet your heroes in the process.

Speaking of helping out, the AGM is looming and I think its important to remember that the roles and titles are not the important thing, nor is it if you can commit to helping out all year. If there is anything you might be able to contribute, I guarantee it will be thankfully received. It doesn’t have to be a long term commitment, every little bit helps.

Also, if anyone has a suggestion for a business which we may be able to work with, to mutual benefit, come along to one of our meetings and suggest it. If you can’t make it, you can always send an email or call.

In closing, I would like to, again thank everyone for their input, time, energy and support. I hope you didn’t forget to enjoy yourself a bit along the way.

Please find below some dates to kick us off but there are some big ones to remember:

  • 12th February – Annual General Meeting – The Coffs Hotel
  • 13th April – Coffs Coast Motor Festival – Coffs Showgrounds
  • 3rd May – Coffs Coast Rally (NSW & QLD round) – Bucca
  • 7th September – Coffs Coast Rally Sprint – Bucca

How Your Club is Run…

Just a little more information regarding our upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) and how the club is run (in a nut shell). By hopefully provided a “peek behind the curtain” more members may be encouraged to volunteer their time and experience for the further benefit of the club.

To keep up to date, here is a link to the AGM event invitation on FaceBook: Click Here (Link opens in a new window).

The club is governed by a committee (team) of a maximum of six elected members and a constitution (set of rules).

Some of the committee members are elected for specific required roles to help manage the club. These roles are currently:

1. President: Principal person responsible for leadership, compliance and effectiveness of the committee.

2. Vice President: Stand in when necessary and support the leadership of the committee.

3. Treasurer: Responsible for financial management of the committee.

4. Secretary: Responsible for administration management of the club.

Many other roles are possible dependent on people and skill availability.

For example, we currently have:

Group 6 Representative: Responsible for working with other clubs to organise rallies.

Social Media Guru: Responsible for managing and promoting social media.

WebMaster: Maintains and updates the club website.

Other potential roles exist which may be tailored for the skills of the individual or for specific events, for example: Event secretary, head scrutineer, Time keeper, Scorer or Motor Sport Australia official or steward.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions around what has been discussed here.

If you have particular skills, training or experience which may assist the club, either temporarily or a longer term commitment, contact us today!

Last meeting for 2024 – Tonight!

Everyone is welcome tonight at 7:30pm in the “Back Room” of the Coffs Hotel for the final meeting of the year. We look forward to everyone’s input on the direction of the club and proposed events for 2025, which is likely to be the main discussion point. We have much and many to be thankful for so perhaps it will be part celebration as well. Thanking you all for your ongoing support throughout the year, and hope to see you there.

Just another reminder that the following meeting will be the AGM on the 19th February 2025.

General Meetings are now Wednesday’s

Don’t forget, as of our last meeting, General Monthly Meetings are to be held on the third Wednesday of the month to accommodate a more suitable room for us at the Coffs Hotel. This will be a permanent change.

Also, there will be no General Monthly meeting in January. Hopefully this should provide everyone with a break and ensure we all come back energised for the Annual General Meeting on 19th February (AGM 2024).

Over the Christmas period, please encourage friends and family to join and be apart of the Club. The more members, the more we can spread the load, play peoples strengths and really get things happening! See you on Wednesday evening. If not, have a safe and enjoyable holiday season, thanks for all your support and the club will look forward to welcoming you back next year.

Coffs Coast Super Sprint 2024

Hello Car Club subscribers. Individual images of competitors from the recent Super Sprint are on the way to entrants via their supplied email addresses. Thanks to the team who took photos, video, shared and posted their work. It really helps to lift up the competitor and spectator experience. Its also, of course, great exposure for the club.

All the images which have been supplied are available here: Link to Club Cloud

Also Storm Art and Photography have some images available here: Link to Stormes Facebook Page

For those who haven’t seen it, there was a great story submitted to News of the area from Peter, who has kept the community updated on our events all year: NOTA Facebook Post

Thanks again to everyone for their support. Great work team!

Coffs Coast Super Sprint 2024 – Results

Thanks to all the competitors, supporters and contributors who made the day a success (that’s what we are calling it anyway). We hope it was a great opportunity to experience some varying track conditions and for those who wished, to compete with other vehicles on the track at the same time.

Everyone was very well behaved with no incidents and plenty of track time.

For those whom weren’t so keen to compete near another vehicle, we hope you found the flexible format to your liking and gave yourself some space to throw down a competitive time or two.

Please see below the results and links to the source. Many more thankyous at the bottom of the post!

(Link to all the results online via SpeedHive, MyLaps)

(Link to the above PDF)

(Link to the above PDF)

(Link to the above PDF)

(Link to the above PDF)

Thanks to everyone who helped get this event off the ground. Without all the cooperation and assistance our car club is powerless. Its always amazing what a team of enthusiasts can achieve! Great work everyone involved. I don’t want to single anyone out but I think a few people deserve a mention. Lord help me if I forget someone!

Thanks to:

Chris & Helen for jumping in where needed and for ensuring the day kept running smoothly. Also a heap of work before the event!

John and Ian in the control tower, managing the timing, announcements, safety status lights and the general flow of cars.

Dan for standing by in the fire truck and for recovery throughout the day. Also, lets face it, entertainment whenever he is driving.

Felix for doing a stella job at managing the start line and keeping everyone informed of whats going on.

Terry who was our faithful first responder prepared all day. No offence but glad you had nothing to do!

Mick and Tony, for managing the grid, moving the caravan, helping with the scrutineering, managing the transponders….

Bob, our dedicated stewart who, like all our officials, gave up their valuable time to ensure we ran safely to the regs all day.

Scott for helping out with the scrutineering and also competing in the event.

Adz and Riana for jumping in and doing what needed doing without haven’t to be asked. Always getting footage and increasing exposure for any event.

Peter for helping with the other competitors, preparing the new club car and for supplying half the field!

The ladies at the HubCap cafe for providing fantastic food and some cold drinks on a very humid day.

To everyone who came and said “can I do anything”.

All the competitors from surrounding clubs.

Finally to all the competitors who invested their hard earned and took a chance on a new event and for some, a new venue. We appreciate your preparation and commitment. We really hope to see you all again at future events.