Closer than you think…..

Well give or take……..Its an important one, so please come along and make sure your voice is heard!

We will be choosing the team to manage the club and events throughout 2025/2026.

And while I have your attention… is some great free advice from an experienced competitor/member.

Having trouble entering our events? Try this!

1. Navigate to our event page website or Facebook page

2. Open the entry form and complete on your phone or PC

3. Take an image of it (screen shot, print & scan, print & take photo, print as PDF…)

4. Email it (repeat for safety checklist & statement of conformity)

5. Pay (EFT or Cash on the day)

Thanks to the Beard Family for this easy method. If you need any assistance we are always here to help.

As always, help is around if you need it.

All hands on deck!

Annual General Meeting – Wednesday 12th February 7:00pm onwards

Hi everyone. Please mark your calendars for the AGM and let anyone and everyone know if you can. We really need people to join up and if possible help out!

Everyone has pitched some great ideas but it would be nice to have a few more resources to make them a reality.

Hope to see you all there with friends, neighbours, relatives, strangers……

3,2,1…GO! Coffs Coast Khanacross Round 1 2025

A great big thank you to all the competitors who came along on Sunday for our first Khanacross for 2025. The conditions were great, even a little rain to keep the dust at bay before we began.

Such a diverse field. Lets hope its an indicator that we are in for an exciting year with lots of new faces. I think all would agree, it was nice to see the outright podium shared between a Lady, a Junior and a Male competitor. Now if we can just get some different surnames up there 😛

Outright placings

A special thanks to everyone who helped out, including the members from other clubs. Those who: kept us safe, made sure we left on time, had our times recorded, processed our paperwork, made suggestions, checked our vehicles, cooked us lunch, set up courses, drew maps, looked after the inexperienced, told us when we got it wrong 🙂 went and picked up the flags, helped fix our cars, prepared the paddock, handled the payments, supported the friends and family competing, everyone behind the scenes who make these events happen.

Ladies Placings

And the thanks continues, to the other clubs and organisations who support our events Kempsey Sporting Car ClubNew England Sporting Car Club – NESCCRaleigh international racewayRaleigh Motorsports Association IncGrafton Sporting Car ClubMotorsport Australia

Junior Placings
Class awards (revised Class Rules)

Thanks again everyone for making it a great event.

Our Annual General Meeting is on Wednesday the 12th February

Next event is the Bush Khanacross on Sunday the 3rd March

Its on tomorrow……..

Its the first Coffs Car Club Khanacross for the Year, so lets make it a good one.

Lower paddock Raleigh International Raceway, Valery Road, Raleigh

If you need to complete paperwork or renew your membership, please leave yourself a little extra time and get there early. Things have changed a little with parking and course entry/exit so try and park on the lower side of the caravan to minimise the mixing of foot traffic and vehicles.

As always there is plenty to do if your keen to help out.

Drivers briefing at 09:30 for the first car away at 09:45

Sausage sizzle for lunch and plenty of cold drinks for sale (its likely to be hot). Bring your hat, water and some shade if youve got it.

See you there!

Event Entry Trip Hazard?

Just a quick note for anyone experiencing difficulty putting a junior entry in through the Motorsport Australia member portal. Note it is necessary to select the optional activity “junior” to reduce the entry fee.

Perhaps more importantly, remember we are here to assist if required and you can ALWAYS come along on the day and put in a manual entry, join or renew your membership.

Assuming of course your Motorsport Australia license is up to date!

Some people find the credit card surcharge on the Portal a consideration. Note, you can always complete your entry, select EFT as the payment method then either pay cash on the day or complete funds transfer whichever way you find convenient. Please remember to add your surname as a reference.

I hope this assists you to enter into one of our events soon. Better yet, see you this Sunday the 2nd February for the opening round of the Coffs Coast Khanacross Series 2025 at Raleigh International Raceway.

A piece of Australian Motoring History…

Here is an opportunity not to be missed! See Francis Birtles 1924 Bean in all its glory during a reenactment of one of his epic drives, this one from London to Melbourne. If you haven’t read about the Australian explorer Francis Birtle (before the Car he explored on a bicycle!) your not an official Australian car nut.

Warren Brown and Matthew Benns have a few stories behind them aswell! Might be your only chance to see Australian History like this alive (the car not the drivers).

This Thursday 23rd January around 1pm (time to be confirmed) at the National Holden Museum – Bunker Gallery.

Certificates of appreciation

Over the last few weeks the club has been handing out framed certificates of appreciation to businesses who have been supportive of the club throughout the 2024 season. In doing this, we are hoping to strengthen the relationship between local businesses, the community and the club.

The club would also like to personally thank each of you for your support and we hope that the 2025 season will be even bigger and better than the last.

We (and most surrounding clubs) have published their event calendar and I encourage you to have a look on socials and wherever you see published dates and start to plan which events you shall enter (if you haven’t already).

Perhaps whilst you are doing this, you may want to pencil in an event to assist with or gain some experience in, before committing to competing. I know its sounds like a sell, but it really helps both sides.

For example if you are interested in getting into rallying, you can find out a lot about it by just volunteering! I had no idea about how the event was timed until I worked at a Start Control! Given the club is running two rally events this year, The Coffs Coast Rally in May and also a Rally Sprint later in the year, there really isn’t an excuse not to dive in and help out. You will probably meet your heroes in the process.

Speaking of helping out, the AGM is looming and I think its important to remember that the roles and titles are not the important thing, nor is it if you can commit to helping out all year. If there is anything you might be able to contribute, I guarantee it will be thankfully received. It doesn’t have to be a long term commitment, every little bit helps.

Also, if anyone has a suggestion for a business which we may be able to work with, to mutual benefit, come along to one of our meetings and suggest it. If you can’t make it, you can always send an email or call.

In closing, I would like to, again thank everyone for their input, time, energy and support. I hope you didn’t forget to enjoy yourself a bit along the way.

Please find below some dates to kick us off but there are some big ones to remember:

  • 12th February – Annual General Meeting – The Coffs Hotel
  • 13th April – Coffs Coast Motor Festival – Coffs Showgrounds
  • 3rd May – Coffs Coast Rally (NSW & QLD round) – Bucca
  • 7th September – Coffs Coast Rally Sprint – Bucca